拋磚引玉 AmiBroker 首發 ~
此範例說明 AmiBroker 中如何控制下單口數,並使用 [下單大師] 或 [輸出文字檔] 達到交易自動化。
/* - - Create by Enoch Yu @2011/06/20 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - */ Title = Date() + " [ Go Order Sample ] by E.Y. @2011/12/29"; // // compute long, short, clearing condition // _MA3 = Ref( MA( Close, 3 ), -1 ); _MA22 = Ref( MA( Close, 22 ), -1 ); Buy = ( _MA3 > _MA22 ); // long condition Short = ( _MA3 < _MA22 ); // short condition Sell = Cover = ( TimeNum() > 132000 ); // clearing condition // // declare signal's parameter // _LongSharp = False; // log long signal _ShortSharp = False; // log short signal _CloseShape = False; // log clearing signal // ------ >>> START <<< -------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // 此區塊為控制交易口數之程式碼,應該是不少網友的擾 ~ 請笑納 // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // ------ >>> START <<< ------------------------------------- // // // declare order's parameter // _ContractUnit = 1; // go order contract unit _CurrentContracts = 0; // log go order contracts _OrderPrice = 0; // log go order price for ( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) { _EntryLong = ( Buy[ i ] ) AND !( Sell[ i ] AND Cover[ i ] ); _EntryShort = ( Short[ i ] ) AND !( Sell[ i ] AND Cover[ i ] ); // long entry if ( ( _EntryLong ) AND ( _CurrentContracts <= 0 ) ) { _CurrentContracts = _ContractUnit; _OrderPrice = Close[ i ]; _LongSharp[ i ] = True; } // short entry if ( ( _EntryShort ) AND ( _CurrentContracts >= 0 ) ) { _CurrentContracts = -1 * _ContractUnit; _OrderPrice = Close[ i ]; _ShortSharp[ i ] = True; } // clearing if ( ( Sell[ i ] OR Cover[ i ] ) AND ( _CurrentContracts != 0 ) ) { _CurrentContracts = 0; _OrderPrice = Close[ i ]; _CloseShape[ i ] = True; } } // ------ >>> END <<< ---------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // 此區塊為控制交易口數之程式碼,應該是不少網友的擾 ~ 請笑納 // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // ------ >>> END <<< ---------------------------------------- // // // sned order command to [ OrderMaster API ] // 調用下單大師進行下單 _OMComAPI = CreateStaticObject( "OMSignAPI.OMCOMAPI" ); _OMComAPI.IniDllAndPosition( "EYDEMO", _CurrentContracts ); _OMDateTime = Now( 1 ) + " " + StrRight( "00" + floor( Now( 4 ) / 10000 ), 2 ) + ":" + StrRight( "00" + floor( Now( 4 ) / 100 ), 2 ) + ":" + StrRight( "00" + floor( Now( 4 ) % 100 ), 2 ); _OMEntryPrice = NumToStr( _OrderPrice, 1 ); _OMComAPI.GoOrder( "EYDEMO", "", _OMDateTime, _CurrentContracts, _OMEntryPrice ); // // output text file for [YasserSoft] auto record // 輸出文字檔供下單機讀取,此例為雅策[免費績效紀錄軟體]使用格式,請各位網友是需求自行調整 _YS_ORDER_CMD = "R:\\YS_TEMP\\EYDEMO.txt"; if ( ( Now( 4 ) % 2 ) == 0 ) { _fcsv = fopen( _YS_ORDER_CMD, "w" ); _content = StrFormat( "%04.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f %02.0f:%02.0f:%02.0f %g %g %02.0f:%02.0f:%02.0f" , Year(), Month(), Day() , Hour(), Minute(), Second() , _CurrentContracts , _OrderPrice , Hour(), Minute(), Second() ); fputs( _content, _fcsv ); fclose( _fcsv ); } // // draw ma line // Plot( _MA3, "MA3", colorWhite, styleLine ); Plot( _MA22, "MA22", colorBlue, styleLine ); // // draw candle line // Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor( "Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle( "Style" ) | GetPriceStyle() ); // // draw long & short signal // PlotShapes( _LongSharp * shapeUpArrow + _ShortSharp * shapeDownArrow , IIf( _LongSharp, colorYellow, colorBlue ) , 0 , IIf( _LongSharp, Low, High ) , -80 ); // // draw clearing signal // PlotShapes( _CloseShape * shapeStar , colorWhite , 0 , Low , -30 );
其實就那麼點小訣竅,說穿看破就覺得沒甚麼 ~ 網路無遠弗屆臥虎藏龍,相信一定有其他方法,還請各方高手不吝賜教。
歡迎各位同好取用及轉載,但請標明出處 ~ ^o^
1. 為了說明方便程式碼中夾雜中文註解,使用前記得將之移除避免不必要的困擾
2. 有此程式架構,相信聰明的網友們,應該可以很容易地加入[加碼]、[停利]、[折返停利]...等機制